“L’ART DE VIVRE” RETREAT – 23-26 Nov – Tzfat, Israel
Succat Shalom is delighted to extend to you an exclusive invitation to our “L’Art De Vivre” Shabbaton in Tzfat 23-26 Nov 2017
Please join us for a “Therapeutic Shabbaton of Joy” in Tzfat Israel, one of the world’s most spiritual mountain cities, on 23-26 Nov. The Retreat is called “L’ART DE VIVRE”. We will be overlooking the Meron Valley and enjoying the pure and mystical Air that Tzfat has to offer, where everything suddenly seems possible.
The purpose of these 3 days is to reconnect with our souls and our inner dreams, to take time out to appreciate the gifts we have been blessed with, and to become re-energised and focused to live healthier, longer, younger and more fulfilled lives.
To book please fill in the following booking form then press the link below to make your payment.
Payment options: £450 for the “L’Art De Vivre” Shabbaton in Tzfat 23-26 Nov (includes the Program, Meals and Accommodation)
Accommodation will be shared in various hand-picked Apartments in the Old City of Tzfat
Claudia will take care to place you with the most suitable roommate
STEP 2: Click on the ‘Add To Cart Button’ below to make your payment and secure your reservation.

Please join us for a “Therapeutic Shabbaton of Joy” in Tzfat Israel, one of the world’s most spiritual mountain cities, on 23-26 Nov. The Retreat is called “L’ART DE VIVRE”. We will be overlooking the Meron Valley and enjoying the pure and mystical Air that Tzfat has to offer, where everything suddenly seems possible.
The purpose of these 3 days is to reconnect with our souls and our inner dreams, to take time out to appreciate the gifts we have been blessed with, and to become re-energised and focused to live healthier, longer, younger and more fulfilled lives.
To this end, we have invited four dear friends and leading experts to share with us their special gifts and insights:
- Yoel Tordjman will lead us through an experiential “Art Therapy” session and invite us to see our world through different eyes – you will also be able to buy signed copies of his work so you can continue his art therapy when you return back home – www.yoeltordjmanart.com
- David Kaufman will facilitate the “Nutrition for a Healthy Life” session, unravelling some of the misconceptions about healthy eating and explaining how we become not only what we eat but how we eat. He will also be leading an optional one day extension workshop on Mon 27 Nov (see below for details)
- Allen Berkowitz will lead us through an interactive session where we are invited to learn how to “Shine in all our Relationships”
- I will lead the “Nature Therapy” with a gently mindful trek in the Baal Shem Tov forest.
- Finally Yonatan Shumer will be taking us through a number of “Authentic Jewish Meditations”
The retreat will commence with a sunset wine tasting event overlooking the Meron Valley on Thursday 23 Nov at 4.00pm and will finish on Sunday 26 Nov at 6pm. The cost of the four days (three nights) retreat is £450, including the Program, Meals and Accommodation. We really hope you will be able to join us, to become strengthened, by strengthening each other, to really live our dreams.
With great appreciation and gratitude to the Almighty, this is our Fifth Retreat. There are limited places available and I would love you to be one of our special guests.
Claudia Bookey will be organising transportation options for you and can be reached on +44 (0)7958 128 208
For any other questions please call Shlomo Godsi on +972 2186971
To book please fill in the following booking form then press the link below to make your payment.
STEP 2: Click on the ‘Add To Cart Button’ below to make your payment and secure your reservation.