What Others Are Sharing About Their Experience With Succat Shalom Institute
I spent half a day in Jerusalem with Succatshalom last year.
It was so well planned, with meetings with various members of the Knesset and journalists.
Celebrating Yom Yerushalayim in such a way was thoroughly uplifting.
Well done to all the team and in particular to Shlomo who took care to make sure each of us felt really special and included.
I have participated in several of the (events), organised by Succat shalom for example Rabbi Heller on the Tania has been very inspiring. Personally, It has given me spiritual growth and inspiration to learn more about Kabala and Jewish Studies…
Taking part in these Jewish studies have added great value and meaning into my life. I am grateful to Mr. Shlomo Godsi for all his hard work for organising and hosting these wonderful lessons.
I had the privilege to attend … My only regret is missing on the ones I was unable to attend as each and everyone of them, is enriching and fulfilling.
To be able to learn so much in a friendly environment is a ZECHUT and as such I appreciate all the effort Shlomo does in co-ordinating all the various topics and get the best speakers to teach us.
Shlomo’s vision for personal development and creating connection, perfectly aligns the elements of experiential learning, profound personal growth and fun. Wishing him every success for both the Herzliya retreat this Shavuot as well as for Succot.
‘I attended the laughter experience, not sure what it was going to be like and knowing this could be out of my comfort zone. But I have to say by the end of the evening I laughed so much that it did me a world of good emotionally, physically and mentally’
“Thanks for organizing the trip and bringing international singles together. Quite an accomplishment!”
I was lucky enough to spend a Shabbat with Shlomo and It was really an incredible Shabbat!! The food was amazing, the hospitality, the conversations, that we had at the Shabbat meals, were great. Tzfat is just an incredible place. There is a feeling of spirituality and calmness that is almost tangible and I loved every moment of the Shabbat!! Thank you so much, Shlomo and I look forward to coming again soon!! Thank you for an amazing Shabbat!
“I was lucky enough to spend a Shabbat with Shlomo and It was really an incredible Shabbat!! The food was amazing the hospitality the conversations that we had at the Shabbat meals were great. tZfat is just an incredible
place there is a feeling of spirituality and calmness that is almost tangible and I loved every moment of the Shabbat!!than you so much Shlomo and I look forward to coming again soon!! Thank you for an amazing Shabbat!”
“Hey Shlomo, I wanted to thank you for providing and hosting such a lovely and memorable Shabbat dinner. I had such a good time and felt so welcomed in your home. You have a wonderful heart and I’m grateful to have met you. Stay in touch:)”
THE ART OF CLARITY RETREAT – 22-25 March, 2018 – Tzfat, Israel
Succat Shalom is delighted to extend to you an exclusive invitation to our “ART OF CLARITY” Retreat and Shabbaton in Tzfat 22-25 March 2018
Please join us for our next retreat entitled “The Art of Clarity” in Tzfat Israel, one of the world’s most spiritual mountain cities, on 22-25 March 2018. We will be overlooking the Meron Valley and enjoying the pure and mystical Air that Tzfat has to offer, where everything suddenly seems possible.
The purpose of these 3 days is to reconnect with our souls and our inner dreams, to take time out to appreciate the gifts we have been blessed with, and to become re-energised and focused to CONNECT, LAUGH and DREAM
Accommodation will be shared in various hand-picked Apartments in the Old City of Tzfat
Claudia will take care to place you with the most suitable roommate
Payment option 1 – Tsfat Residents Only:
NIS 470 for the “Art of Clarity” Retreat and Shabbaton in Tzfat 22-25 Mar 2018 (includes the Program, Meals and Accommodation), for Tsfat Residents only.
Payment option 2 – Per Hour Session – For Tsfat Residents Only:
NIS 50 per Hour Session during the “Art of Clarity” Retreat and Shabbaton in Tzfat 22-25 Mar 2018.
Payment option 3 – Shabbaton Only:
NIS 600 for the “Art of Clarity ” Shabbaton only, in Tzfat 23-24 Mar 2018 (includes the Shabbat Meals and Accommodation is included, when booked before March 4, 2018.
STEP 2: Select your Payment Option and secure your reservation.
Please join us for a “Therapeutic Shabbaton on the Art of Clarity” in Tzfat Israel, one of the world’s most spiritual mountain cities, on 22-25 March 2018. We will be overlooking the Meron Valley and enjoying the pure and mystical Air that Tzfat has to offer, where everything suddenly seems possible.
The purpose of these 3 days is to reconnect with our souls and our inner dreams, to take time out to appreciate the gifts we have been blessed with, and to become re-energised and focused to CONNECT, LAUGH and DREAM
To this end, we have invited a few dear friends and leading experts to share with us their special gifts and insights:
- Yoel Tordjman will lead us through an experiential “Art Therapy” session and invite us to use art as a tool to visualise with clarity, our true potential – you will also be able to buy signed copies of his work so you can continue his art therapy when you return back home – www.yoeltordjmanart.com
- Eliezer Newman will lead us through some great experiential sessions aimed at inviting real clarity into our lives
- Rabbi Shalom Pasternak will deliver the key note address on the Hasidic and Kabbalistic views on how to combat the doubt of Amalek to achieve true Clarity.
- I will lead the “Nature Therapy” with a gently mindful trek in the Baal Shem Tov forest.
- Eyal Karoutchi will be taking us through a number of “Authentic Jewish Meditations” in a candle lit cave – an experience you will never forget
The retreat will commence with a wine and cheese tasting event overlooking the Meron Valley on Thursday 22 Mar at 5.30pm and will finish on Sunday 25 March at 4pm. The cost of the four days (three nights) retreat is NIS 1100 (NIS 995, if booked before 25 Feb 2018 including the Program, Meals and Accommodation. Alternatively you can elect to join us just for the Shabbat 23-24 Mar at NIS 600. All these rates are already subsidised. We really hope you will be able to join us, to become strengthened, by strengthening each other, to really live our dreams with clarity.
With great appreciation and gratitude to the Almighty, this is our Eight Retreat. There are limited places available and I would love you to be one of our special guests.
Claudia Bookey will be organising transportation options for you and can be reached on +44 (0)7958 128 208
For any other questions please call Shlomo Godsi on +972 2186971 or on +44 7809909406
To book please fill in the following booking form then press the link below to make your payment.
STEP 2: Select your Payment option Below and secure your reservation.